There are several exercises that a physical theater actor can do to prepare for the difficult tasks of a director.

Physical Warm-up: A proper physical warm-up is essential to prepare the body for movement and physical exertion. This can include stretching, cardio, and exercises that focus on specific muscle groups.
Improvisation: Improvisation is a great way to explore different physical choices and explore the character's actions and emotions. Actors can practice improvisation exercises alone, or with a partner.
Movement Study: Actors can study different movement techniques such as contemporary dance, mime, or acrobatics to develop their physical skills and movement vocabulary.
Partner work: Actors can practice working with a partner to develop trust and chemistry, as well as to explore different physical interactions and relationships.
Character development: Actors can practice character development exercises such as "sense memory" and "affective memory" to develop their ability to access their emotions and physicality in a character.
Voice warm-up and practice: Actors should be able to use their voice effectively and safely, with proper breathing and resonance.
Script analysis: Actors should analyze the script, to understand the characters and the story, and to find the physicality and movements that are required for the role.
It's important to note that these exercises are not exhaustive and may vary depending on the physical demands of the play and the specific needs of the actor. Actors should work with their director and a movement coach to develop a personalized training plan that will prepare them for the difficult tasks of the director.
As a physical theater actor, there are many opportunities to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge of the craft. Have you heard about the exciting workshops coming up in the next few months? From exploring physicality in performance to delving into the dramaturgy of physical action, there's something for every actor to discover.
We invite professional and pre-professional artists to join us at the NIPAI's workshops taking place in Berlin, Germany and Laubegg Castle, Austria.
Who knows what amazing insights and breakthroughs you may experience at these workshops. Stay tuned for more information on these exciting events!