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5 physical theatre techniques that will improve your directing

1. Use your body to create characters and tell stories.

When you're directing a play, it's important to think about how your actors' bodies can be used to create characters and convey emotion. One way to do this is through physicality. For example, you can have your actors play around with different ways of walking or standing to create different characters. You can also use props and costumes to help enhance your actors' performances.

2. Use props and costumes to enhance your performance.

Props and costumes can be used to great effect in physical theatre. They can help to create a more immersive experience for the audience and can also be used to heighten the emotions of a scene. For example, if you're portraying a character who is angry, you might use props such as a chair or a fists to emphasize their physicality.

3. Use your voice to express emotion and convey meaning.

Your voice is one of the most powerful tools you have as a director. It can be used to express a wide range of emotions and can also be used to convey meaning. For example, if you want to create tension in a scene, you might use a loud, forceful voice. Alternatively, if you want to create a more peaceful atmosphere, you might use a soft, calming voice.

4. Use movement to create tension and release it.

Movement is another important tool that can be used to great effect in physical theatre. It can be used to create tension in a scene and can also be used to release it. For example, you might have your actors move around the stage in a chaotic way to create a sense of unease. Alternatively, you might have them perform a slow, deliberate dance to create a sense of calm.

5. Use music to heighten the mood and provide a counterpoint to the action.

Music is a great way to heighten the emotions of a scene. It can also be used to provide a counterpoint to the action on stage. For example, if you want to create a sense of foreboding, you might use menacing-sounding music. Alternatively, if you want to create a lighthearted mood, you might use upbeat, happy music.

These are just a few of the many physical theatre techniques that you can use to improve your directing. Experiment with different techniques and see what works best for you and your actors.

If you're looking to improve your directing skills, then physical theatre techniques can be a great place to start. They can help you create more engaging and dynamic productions while also teaching you how to communicate with your performers. Start with the International Physical Theatre Workshop at NIPAI.

Don't miss out; register now before it's too late.


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