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The regulations were developed based on suggestions from NIPAI participants

• NIPAI strictly prohibits any form of harassment. Harassment includes any verbal, written, visual, or physical acts that are offensive, intimidating, unwelcome, or could reasonably be considered objectionable. Harassment is prohibited on the basis of sex, race, racial or linguistic origin, creed, pregnancy, family status, age, political convictions, disability, or citizenship.

• Every participant is responsible for their physical condition during the training. Any limitations should be communicated in advance, and participation should be adjusted accordingly with the group leader beforehand.

• The structure of NIPAI events requires active participation in the entire program, from the first to the last day. If a participant misses part of the training, they will be excluded from further participation in the training process.

• During training, participants should remove all sharp or scratchy accessories, such as earrings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, and sharp hairpins. Loose or long hair should be tied back.

• Training clothing should be comfortable and practical. Skirts, provocative clothing, or participating in training while undressed is not recommended.

• Shoes are not allowed in the studio under any circumstances. Only bare feet or socks are permitted.

• Drinking water in plastic bottles is allowed in the training room.

• Avoid chewing gum, food, or drinks inside the training room.

• Each participant will receive a precise timetable of the event. The studio doors will be closed shortly before the start of training, and latecomers will not be allowed into the room.

• Mobile phones must be turned off during training.

• Your colleagues come from different countries and speak different languages. Especially during discussions, think before you speak and formulate your questions clearly and concisely.

• Avoid taking pictures or filming during training with any personal devices, as well as any photos/filming in the official training space. NIPAI will handle professional photo/video documentation of the event. After the event, these materials will be made available to participants. The photos provided by NIPAI may only be used or published by participants in their original form.

• We respectfully inform you that any photo or video materials taken during the workshop are the property of NIPAI and may be used for promotional purposes by the Institute. If you do not wish for your images to be used in this manner, please inform the Organizer before the Program begins. If no such information is provided, it will be assumed that you have given your consent for the use of the materials. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

• Participants are welcome to take notes during training, provided it does not interrupt the training process or work with a partner.

• All indoor areas are non-smoking zones.

• It is forbidden to sell or promote any goods or services within the territory of a NIPAI event without prior discussion with the NIPAI administration.

• Participants are responsible for their personal belongings.

• The consumption of alcoholic beverages or any other intoxicating substances during the event is not allowed.

• NIPAI reserves the right to make video and photo archives of the entire process involving the group.

• NIPAI reserves the unlimited right to use any production, whether in its original or edited form, submitted or created by the Participant as a result of participation in a NIPAI event, at their discretion.

• Participants will receive a Certificate of participation upon submitting a detailed creative report (1500 words) no later than three weeks after the event. Only those who actively participate in all hours of the workshop will be eligible for a Certificate of participation.

• Participants who have attended a NIPAI event and published an article about the event in reputable media (such as a performing arts magazine or newspaper) for the purpose of promoting NIPAI are eligible for free participation in a future NIPAI event. The article requires NIPAI approval before publication and should be at least 1000 words in length.

• By paying the fee, the participant confirms that they have read and agree to the regulations.

• In case of non-compliance with the rules, the participant may be dismissed from the event without a refund.

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